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2024/2025 Program Information

2024 / 2025 Program Information


The Maine Wild will field teams from Mites through Midgets again for the 2024-25 season.  With a consistent focus on a positive experience for all players, the Wild will compete in the New England Premier Hockey League which offers parity resulting in competitive divisions, 50% home schedule and reasonable travel.  Wild teams practice twice per week for 75 mins and league games are 3-15 minute periods.  The Wild season begins the week after Labor Day and ends the 1st weekend in March.





Program Information

Teams Details Participating Leagues Cost
Mite 2016 - 2018 (U8) 25-30 games, Approx. 65-70 Hours of Practice/Skills, Professional Coaching Staff, USA Hockey Fees Not Included, Apparel package Included (bag for new players, t-shirt, etc.) NEAHL / NEPHL $2375
Squirt (U9) 2015 - Bantam (U14) 2010 35-40 games, Approx. 65-70 Hours of Practice/Skills, Professional Coaching Staff, USA Hockey Fees Not Included, Apparel package Included (Game jerseys, game socks, practice jersey, bag for new players, apparel gift), U14 Teams are FULL SEASON. NEPHL & Independent $2995
Midgets (U16 2009/08 - U18 2006/07) 15-18 games, 20 Hours of Practice, Professional Coaching Staff, USA Hockey Fees Not Included NEPHL / Non League $1475
* Please note: Goalies are 1/2 price (excluding Midgets). *Alt Fees are $1200 for Squirt - Bantam.

Development Model

Step 1

Our Maine Wild Mite (U8) - Bantam (U14) Division is for players who are looking for a development hockey team. We will focus on age specific development in line with USA Hockey Model. Our Teams will compete in the New England Premier Hockey League. This is for 2018 - 2010 DOB's

Step 2

Our Midget (U16 & U18) division is for the High School player that is looking to practice two times per week and play about 15-18 games. It is a split season that ends before high school tryouts. The team will compete in the New England Premier Hockey League and Independent games.  This is for 2009 - 2006 DOB's.

How will the parity process work in the NEPHL?

Teams will play 4-6 games in late August - September against various opponents.  League will then review results of all parity games played and create competitive divisions accordingly.  A very successful process to date.

What Rinks do the Wild use?

The Wild's primary rink is Biddeford Ice Arena.

Who runs the skill sessions?

Brad Church and Michel Leveille are both available all season long and have extensive professional backgrounds in youth player development.  Their belief is that skills should be addressed each time the player sees the ice.  They work with our coaches and players to incorporate appropriate skills into practice plans.  The focus is on fundamentals- skating stride, edges, balance, passing and receiving, small area games, puck possession, puck support and much more!  We will push our players to get out of a comfort zone to reach their maximum potential. All coaches will correct our players during each session. We will focus on proper techniques that will enhance our player's skill set.